Latest Release
The Smart Contract Killer.
In the new novel of the Francis Barlow series, Europol dispatches its agent to Asia.
Release Date: February 2024
Paperback Release Date: March 2024
The Smart Contract Killer
When Scotland Yard recruits former financial professional Francis J. Barlow to help with their financial criminal cases, it initially seems like a good career move. However, his excitement cools when it becomes clear it’s a mundane desk job with a boss determined to check his advancement.
This all changes because of the Brexit demonstrations in October 2018. So, when he’s given an actual out-of-the-office criminal case, and Europol asks him to join their task force, he jumps at the chance to follow the trail to Southeast Asia.
This thrusts Francis into a world of unparalleled humidity, heady traffic, amazing cuisine, and the mysteries of Chinese languages and culture that test him at every turn. He’s equally confounded by a scheme involving money laundering, tax evasion, blockchains, and cryptocurrency that begins to unravel before him.
The deeper he delves into the art of ordering Asian food and seducing the beautiful Nancy, the closer he seems to get to the source of the mystery. But how is it all connected? Who is the skillful international killer that is killing the people involved? And just who can he trust?
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Get In Touch
Walther Steel
c/o ThinkAsia Publishing
About The Author
Walther Steel studied economics and sinology, and has lived and traveled extensively around Asia, and his work and experiences feature in his writing. Work as a consultant in places like Singapore, Shanghai, and Hong Kong has enabled him to dive deeper into the culture, history, and food of each place. And fall in love with it.
When international borders were closed because of the pandemic, Walther used his newfound free time to write this novel.
In his spare time, he indulges in his passion for collecting modern Asian art and honing his yoga and martial arts skills.
He currently lives in southwest Germany where he is working on a sequel.
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October 11th 2024
Book reading at the ’Network of English-Speaking Women Freiburg’ (invited members only)
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